Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Miss Jennifer and Miss Kristen: A Teacher's Performance

Think your teachers don't perform? Think again! Most of our favorite teachers are still grand performers!

Last weekend, Miss Jennifer and Miss Kristen performed with The Classical Repertory Dance Theatre, a resident company of Joy of Motion Dance Center in Washington, DC. Even with teaching and work and all of life's scheduling troubles, Miss Jennifer and Miss Kristen worked hard to make it to their rehearsals all year. Think you're tired in class? Just think of the energy it takes to become a performer! And that will be you one day!

Ballet Petite's director attended the performance, and she kindly offered these words:

"One of the loveliest things about Ballet Petite is the community it creates, which shares the joys of performing across all generations of that community. I just went to the concert of all concerts (after our very own recital, of course!) and saw our beautiful teachers Miss Kristen and Miss Jennifer perform at the Atlas Performing Arts Center. They performed pieces with a distinct classical ballet pedigree, with excerpts from Swan Lake and Paquita. There was also a spectacular folk dance and contemporary dance. I thought Miss Kristen and Miss Jennifer were the best of all! You can just imagine their energy level, great technique, and unbelievable stage presence. I was so proud of them; they are so wonderful!"

Have you seen any of your teachers' performances lately? Have you attended a truly inspiring performance in the area and would like to tell us about it? Share your experiences with us! Comment, Tweet, email; we'd love to hear from you!

Stay tuned for more teachers' performances!!

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