Saturday, January 28, 2012

Hip Hop: Good for Kids?

We've noticed a renewed interest in our hip hop classes, especially for our showtime ages (5 and 6 years old). For those ballerinas in our group that aren't quite sure if they would like hip hop, let me give you a little background into the dance style and how we teach it at Ballet Petite.

Hip hop has its roots in 1970s New York City, specifically the Bronx. The term has two parts: "hip," which basically means current or in the know, and "hop," which was coined for the hopping movement that dancers perform, especially with a bass beat. Although the history of the dance is much shorter than most, hip hop is recognized today as the "world's favorite youth culture" (National Geographic).

Miss Lori helped pioneer the Ballet Petite hip hop curriculum, and currently teaches many of the classes we offer. The class runs with a cardio warm up and stretching, review of old techniques, and the introduction of new moves. Many of the moves a young dancer will learn involve rhythm and musicality; its important to develop a strong sense of beat - since that bass beat is at the forefront of most hip hop music - and so exercises involve a lot of clapping or stomping. Just like in ballet, hip hop also makes use of a dancer's arms. Miss Amanda teaches some complicated arm movements which you might get to see in this year's recital!

So if you're thinking hip hop might be good for you, come try one of our classes in McLean, Bethesda, or Potomac!

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